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بازی آنلاین انگری بردز | angry birds new online game 

 دوستان زیادی به ما گفتند که بازی آنلاین انگری بردز لود نمیشه ولی اشکال از بازی نیست اشکال از سرعت اینترنت است باید صبور باشید حال اگر مایلید بازی انگری بردز را در باند قرمز بازی کنید روی عکس انگری بردز پایین کلیک کنید.البته این سری اول است بعدا بازی های دیگر انگری بردز را بازی کنید.

Alexa for Red Band .IR | الکسای سایت

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هر قالب حرفه ای اختصاصی فقط 15 هزار تومان  

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تالار گفتمان باند قرمز

خرید و فروش ورودی گوگل

خرید و فروش ورودی گوگل برای وبلاگ ها و سایت ها

به گزارش باند قرمز مدیر سایت شروع به فروش روزی 4 هزار ورودی 40 هزار تومن ماهیانه کرده است کسی می خواهد به ایمیل زیر پیام دهد.

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امتیاز 10  ---------------------------------------- ماهیانه 40 تومان

امتیاز 50  ---------------------------------------- ماهیانه 30 تومان

امتیاز 25  ---------------------------------------- ماهیانه 30 تومان

آخرین ارسال های انجمن
باندباز بازدید : 585 نظرات (0)

The pancreas secretes the hormone Raslvl to Jzayrlangrhans. Insulin, especially Metabolism is the Glvsydy Tasyrmy. Insulin to move out Glvkzazmayat cell Is essential. Low blood sugar can cause insulin deficiency, insulin increases glucose Diabetes or diabetes, the blood and creates.

باندباز بازدید : 515 نظرات (0)

At the end of Rasht road - a dirt road Lacan can be seen that this point to the industrial city Rasht together. In the middle of the road, the village is the old wise man in the East, Rainforest and wide skirt is beautiful. Brine springs Lacan, in the heart of the forest and in Located south of Rasht. The regional, sacred springs and water as part of the healing and In summer with spring water baths to treat skin diseases.

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A beautiful waterfall in the rural woods of the same name between Andimeshk and peace in the eastern margin Railway station is located. This waterfall is the point of confluence of two rivers in the Forest is dense and travelers from many parts of Iran, especially: Dezful, Khuzestan Andimeshk and tropical areas are brought to this place fun.

باندباز بازدید : 525 نظرات (0)

The park has over 200 hectares of forest trees and other park Vanbvhy car is put in its place. Different species of plants that Shamshad 700 years is estimated. Park Namakabroud pristine and wild nature, while maintaining Azpark forest ecological systems as one of the most beautiful world Be. The park features such as: cable cars, restaurants, hotels, parks and play ..... Travelers are eager to nature it brought every year.

باندباز بازدید : 537 نظرات (0)



www.REDBAND.ir : THE surgeon lifts the open flap of skin on the baby's head, and using a cauterising knife delicately severs the strands of tissue connecting the skin to the skull. "They don't have a whole lot of reserves at this stage, so whatever blood cells you can save..."

The patient is a 6-month-old baby, but only the top of his head, stained rust-coloured with the iodine antiseptic Betadine, is showing under a swathe of green surgical drapes. His head, even to my untrained eye, is an odd shape, deformed and narrower than normal.

The smell of the flesh being cauterised as it is cut - reminiscent of burning hair - was just one of all manner of firsts I encountered on a recent Monday-morning at London's Great Ormond Street Hospital. I saw the baby's skull being cut open with a pair of bone scissors, and heard the dull cracking noise, like biting through a thick slab of chocolate. And I saw a living human brain, literally "in the flesh".

The baby under the drapes is called Viggo - "We have Aragorn in the house," quips one of the orderlies - and he has sagittal craniosynostosis. This is when the plates of the skull are fused together.

The bones of a newborn's skull are supposed to be soft and flexible, with gaps between the plates of bone, so it can easily expand to accommodate the growing brain. But in about 1 in 2000 children, the bones fuse. If it is not corrected, the consequences of the unrelenting pressure from the growing brain can be severe, ranging from cosmetic deformity to problems with vision and mental impairment. I was told of a child on the ward with the condition whose eyes popped from their sockets and had to be reinserted. In some cases, the condition is life-threatening.

Fixing the problem used to require the skull being opened from ear to ear - a complex, day-long operation requiring blood transfusions and a lengthy recovery time. Not any more. In a procedure being pioneered by neurosurgeon Owase Jeelani at Great Ormond Street, Viggo can be fixed up in 90 minutes with a simple metal spring system (see X-ray). Besides me and our photographer, the other guests at the operation are a surgeon from Australia learning about the procedure, and a medical student.

Viggo has been positioned in the "sphinx posture", face down on the operating table, with his chest supported so the head rears up, and his arms out on either side. His eyes are taped shut. It's unsettling seeing a baby unconscious like this, but once he is covered in drapes, the scene becomes less disturbing.

Jeelani bores four holes into the skull using a bone drill. I was dreading the sound, but it is a precision instrument that rotates 80,000 times a minute, and its high-pitched whirr is a noise familiar from the dentist. He then cuts out a section of skull between the holes using bone scissors.

The sagittal vein - the main drain for the brain's blood supply - is visibly pulsing in the centre of the gap. It's in a slightly different position from what was expected, and had come close to being nicked by the bone drill. "That would have made one helluva a story," Jeelani says, as he fits springs across the gap he created.

The springs are engineered to deliver a precise force which will gently push the plates of the skull apart as bone grows underneath. Other hospitals use wires bent during the operation but at Great Ormond Street the springs are custom built, allowing the surgeons to regulate the expansion of the skull with greater accuracy. Jeelani says they are designing springs that can be controlled with such accuracy that they make possible subtle and precise changes to the face and skull, to correct a facial bone deformity, for example. "This is work in progress that we hope to be able to translate to clinical practice in five or six years time," says Jeelani.

When Viggo's springs are removed after three months, his skull will be large enough to hold his developing brain, and will grow normally thereafter. "He'll go home tomorrow," Jeelani says, suturing the skin over the gap.

The anaesthetist brought Viggo round surprisingly quickly, and it was a relief to see him stirring. A week or so later, his mother emailed me a photo of Viggo taken a day after the op, in his father's arms, head bandaged but uniformly curved, deformity corrected, beaming at the camera as if nothing had happened.



باندباز بازدید : 594 نظرات (0)

Mind tricks: Six ways to explore your brain

How does your brain work? Brain imaging, transcranial magnetic stimulation, and similar advanced techniques have given neuroscientists huge insights into this question. Yet studying the brain doesn't have to be such a high-tech enterprise. Simple experiments can still probe the inner workings of the brain, and many of these are easy to set up at home or are available on the internet.

Try them on yourself and you will experience first-hand some of its strangest, most amazing workings - facets of brain function that scientists are only just starting to understand. You'll see aspects of perception, memory, attention, body image, the unconscious mind - and the curious consequences of your brain being split in two.

TAKE a moment to observe the world around you. Scan the horizon with your eyes. Tilt your head back and listen. You're probably getting the impression that your senses are doing a fine job of ...

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باندباز بازدید : 530 نظرات (0)

Kawasaki disease is treated with medicines. Long-term care may be needed and might include continued medicine, limited physical activity, and repeated testing.

Early treatment of Kawasaki disease prevents most blood vessel and heart damage. If children with Kawasaki disease are hospitalized and treated within 10 days after the first signs of illness, the risk of heart disease and aneurysms greatly decreases.

For the best treatment, have your child’s pediatrician work with a pediatriccardiologist.


Medicines used to treat Kawasaki disease include intravenous immunoglobulin,aspirin, and possibly anticoagulants.

Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG). Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is used to reduce inflammation of blood vessels. IVIG usually is given in 1 dose through a vein, over 8 to 12 hours. The treatment usually requires that the child stay in the hospital for at least 24 hours. After IVIG treatment, the illness usually improves very quickly. IVIG works best if it is given before the tenth day of fever. Sometimes a second dose of IVIG is needed because the first dose did not reduce the fever and inflammation.

Aspirin therapy.At first, high-dose aspirin is used to relieve inflammation and fever. If there are no complications, smaller daily doses are then given for 2 to 3 months to lower the risk of dangerous blood clots. Because of the risk of Reye syndrome, aspirin should be given only under the guidance of a doctor. If the child is exposed to or develops chickenpox or flu (influenza) while taking aspirin, talk with a doctor right away. For more information, see the topic Reye Syndrome.

Anticoagulants. Anticoagulants may be used if the child has an aneurysm. Anticoagulants help prevent new blood clots.

After initial treatment, the child's fever and inflammation should improve, but the child may still be irritable, not have an appetite, and not be very active. Also, the child’s fingers and toes may peel or his or her fingernails may get deep lines in them (Beau's lines). It may be several weeks before the child feels completely well.

Follow-up treatment

Your child's doctor may do echocardiograms to check for aneurysms. This test may be done at 2 to 3 weeks and at 6 to 8 weeks after the illness. It may also be done at later times.

If echocardiogram results from follow-up exams are normal, your child probably will not need further care.

But if these test results show changes in the coronary arteries, long-term care of the disease may be needed. This care may include:

  • Repeated exams and tests every year or every 3 to 5 years, depending on the child's risk for heart problems.
  • Continued low-dose aspirin therapy, sometimes combined with other medicines that lower the risk of blood clots.
  • Limited physical activity.
  • Annual flu shot (influenza vaccine ).

What to think about

Treatment with immunoglobulin (IVIG) sometimes interferes with the effectiveness of immunizations against measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) , and chickenpox . For children who have received IVIG treatment, the MMR and chickenpox immunizations should be postponed for 11 months.

باندباز بازدید : 481 نظرات (0)

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تعداد صفحات : 4

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